Sách Mindset for IELTS Foundation - Student's Book

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Nhiều tác giả

Nhà xuất bản Cambridge University Press

Số trang: 136

Kích thước: 22cm x 27cm x 0.8cm

Cân nặng: 450g

Năm xuất bản: 2019

Giới thiệu sách:

Mindset, the multi-level course from the organisation that produces the IELTS test, develops students’ English skills and leaves them fully prepared for test day.

Mindset, the 4-level course from Cambridge, gets you inside the IELTS test. Its unique blend of print and online content enables you to customise course length and focus to suit your needs. Topic-based units cover each of the four skills in turn, making it easy to find what you want. Each level includes learning strategies, skills practice and exam practice designed to help students achieve their target band score. Online skills modules provide additional practice, and Corpus informed modules help learners avoid common mistakes. Suitable for students preparing for the Academic Module, the course provides access to authentic online practice tests in Testbank. Designed with teachers in mind, Mindset provides support and advice for teachers new to IELTS, and clear links between activities and the test ensure maximum confidence in class.

Key features

- Suitable for IELTS Academic.

- Over 150 targeted support items per level help students maximise test performance.

- Online modules for Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking plus Grammar and Vocabulary accompany each level and can be used in class or set for homework.

- Corpus-informed online modules help students avoid common mistakes.

- Access to online IELTS practice tests in Testbank means students can familiarise themselves with the test.

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